Page 278 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 278


                 The following table gives the record of observa-   Kran 1 (IV/.) and food ; and for masons .»?. Ka.
                tions at Hushire for the winter seasons, October to   (la. till.), rates in 1910-11 wore - Krar.s (V}.)V
                May.                                 labourers o;s shore ; - Krnr.s (9*/.) ard food f'-r 1
                            /toin/ofl, 1811-1911.    and 5 Krans (1*. lid.) f« r masons. This .;,cr«*„«.
                                                     attributed to the plentiful harvest? of tlu- po-t •
                                        Inch's.  Cent*.
                1890- 91                 20    TO    y-mis h have kept employed a f.-.r j're.»: r nun\.
                                                     in the districts than usual for the reaping «?:•! thrr.
                1891- 92                 7     f8    ing, as much as one-third of the total yic-7 1 of <>•.'.
                1892- 93                 11    20    plough of land being given in 1911 to the labourer j]
                1893 94                  17    GO    kind : and also to extensive employment i»nd hi-;
                1891 95 -                23    G3    wages paid at the Anglo-Persian Oil Company]
                1895*90                  4     90    Works at Abadan Island, and to a constant denia:. '
                1890-97                  7     99    for labour in the liu-hirc peninsula.
                1897- 98                 7
                1898- 99                 7     20                   Customs.
                18 0-l?KX)        .*     14    21      The principal events connected with the Custom
                1900*01                  8     83    Administration during the period were:—
                1901 02                  3     10       1.  A reduction of the export duty on cereab-
                1902-03                  10    8*3          bv half to J. Kr,s;s (_’;•/.) per b-*maiir»
                19(0-04                  6     25           Gi lbs. representing 8 to G per cent, c:
                •901 05                  9     05           mloran on wheat, and about 11 pern:-
                1905*00                  7     3G           ad valorem on barley.
                1900-07                  8     91       2.  A drawback of the total amount of duty oc £
                1907-08                  8     92           sacks (gunny bags) imported for rr
                IT'S 09                  G     41           exportation when filled with wreck
                1909- 10                 10    32           Transit passes are now ‘jrar.tod or. depo,;-
                1910- 11                 20    29           of the duty due on each ccr.rignm-int in-
                                                            ported, the duty Icing ret-incd £f*«rr~
                 The rainfall for 1910-’-: has thus only twice boon   exportation of the sack*. As r! • *V;:y
                exceeded in twenty year*, r.::d in many pi .cos in i!jC :   on sacks was provion.-ly ’. Kran (_; f.) [-•
                c"!:ivating di^ri* ;s the exc.-s did considerable dam* .   6A I Vs. equivalent to 21 percent ad
                ate, the ;—.'d bei: g washed away, and the land re- ;   adding 2j-Z. per quarter to the -c-'rat d
                ir.aining under wat.-r for a h.r.g time. A fair rain for I   wheat, this measure should be ofas-itatc#
                151 M2 would put the prosperity of the tribal peas­  in lessening The expenditure on erpen <:
                antry on a better footing than for past. They i   grain.
                arv already out of debt to their chi.-fs for the most j   3.  The decision of the Central Customs Adnit-
                part                                        istration to undertake the rcconstraetic-j-
                            Pcnuc IIcalin.
                                                            of the Cu-toms House at Bushirc cam
                 The epidemic of plague which occurred in Bushire   present rite, x\ ith a reconstructed qnry
                in April 1*»!Q was followed by a similar, though   and small piers, permitting lighters to <ii_-
                severer, outbreak in the spring of 1H1, both of which   chargc alongside. This stop has been fc*r
                cau-cd coiJ'ideral le dislocation c*f business owing   long past pressed on the Customs, in ac­
                to the fear of contagion- There were 6G deaths in the   cordance with tlicir obligations under the
                epidemic of 1910 and 9S deaths during that of 1911,   Commercial Convention, for the jccsviit
                which actually began and terminated after the period   warehouses and courtyards do not provide
                now under review.                           for the sufficient protection of mcrchar:c!ise
                 Measles was also prevalent among children during   from rain and damp in the winter. It is
                the winter season of 1910-11.               not yet decided whether the work wiD be
                                                            undertaken and materials purchased by
                 The mortality statistics for the year were 637 (or   the Administration itself, or placed with a
                27-7 per 1,«KJ of the estimated population of the   contractor. The material used will how­
                peninsula) as against 960 in 1509-10: of that number   ever be principally local sandstone.
                248 were children.
                                                        4.  The Customs has also had in it3 considered00
                               Larock.                      the ir,nucnee of high rates of duties oo
                 There has been a general rise in wages and the   smuggling.
                price of labour, which has never been too plentiful.  A new edition of the Customs Regulations with
                Whereas in 190G-07 the daily rate for labourers on   Ministerial decisions intcrlincated has recently bee#
                shore was 1$ Kraus (GJd.): for coolies on shipboard published in Tehran.
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