Page 281 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 281


         Tlioiich the equivalents of rates of hire from Buahire • tragarnnth, the purchase ami sorting of which has
        i,Shiraz ruled low in 1910-11 (Kran exchange also ' become systematised to a certain extent in Shiraz,
        j ,pi» |ii_'::), yet equivalents of a virago rates, 'luring i Almond«, rai-ins and yiltams, linseed, sesame and
        ' r„t v* -rs when there has been a tlemaml f- r tranv Persian tomb iku should all repay firm* undertaking
         rt. usut Hy rule between £12 and £13. Ti. is there purch.-es on a large >fab* from the districts where
         little dideroneo between the co>t. of transporting each is cultivated. All schemes for mechanical trails*
         „*|s from Hushirc to Shiraz and from Heslit (on the port and for the introlurtion of enterprises requiring
        Jjqii.m) to Tehran.                 machinery can only he developed by European
        . further. I he equivalent rule of trun.pnrt lure from   n"'‘   an,! un,?",",t? V‘3t ‘V
        .,■„*(« I.p..h.m reache.I aa high a, £11 10... .lurins £c™:1 »»»'■'•"«'« ®rc not heller «l..po«d toward"
          rear. Hut tr.m.m.rt from Tehran to Ispahan European sel.mnea for , the re-oureea of the
          been nearly £3 per ton cheaper than from Shiraz . ««|,,r£. Even now there are ai.cna of a dawning
        *  •   . afU        1               demand for simple machinery, agricultural instru-
        J' **'                             : meats, a sea-water condenser, a flour-mill, etc.
        I jt would therefore appear that for a con-ilerablc ']  Per-ians will invest money in projects, hut only
        ■. g nf I'JlO-11 it was cheaper to transport mcr-   after they have seen them suitably organised and
        J'.utilise from the Caspian to Ispahan, than from the  managed with a capital outlay by Europeans.
        • rdaii Gulf fi'i Bu>hirc to Ispahan.  European firms, on the other ban 1, in making ex­
       i                                    periments in Persia must always be prepared for a
                 Economic Development.      dosm!.!* loss i!i the initial <tag«s. The amount
                                            spoilt in mule-transport from Bushiro to Shiraz alone
       •  Tliere are still r.o signs of the economical devclop-
       * - ut of the southern provinces of Persia, and the  has been calculated during the past three years to
         ••ruvement of methods of transport by mechanical   ( have teen £$0,0'W) to £IOhOOO at existing rates of
        ■ ins, f.'j., railways, has become a real necessity, both   exchange, and before the ri-e of late year-*, in the rates
        -. increase commerce, exports in particular, and to   of hire, the amount spent could hardlv have been
        - note greater security in the provinces.  less than £I<V>X) to £.>»,(tfO.
        Tlie was.ts of the population arc Minnie, andare not AH ;!':VeloP: :o.nt ?f thc ,:,^[nal trade an«I of ira-
        . !v to chingc forgeneration or more, so that there VT"*1 coinsnunicat.oi s arc, however, largely con-
         side lik Iihorv.1 of a 1 ,rg- extension of the import   P°?   mts. .None of tha present
        .*- !c out-Me the necessaries of life and 1:.. -.hold °mlc!-\ '*f trad-^aloug n.c P-rnan shore of the Gulf
        :_!criaU: but with an accelerated and cheap means Prc   in th-ir pre-ent condition, and Bush-
        r transport from the coast into the numerous villages »rc particularly-wita an outer anchorage distant 7
         Kars, the export trade might be increased most n",w* “r‘d a"   distant 3 miles from the
       •nensivcly. It is on the export of agricultural   snore—needs tr.c dr. .'ring of a harbour and a proper
         luce also that traders in the southern provinces   • entrance closer in shore.
        .' ild rely for a recovery from the evil times into . Telegraphic communications between the Persian
       ■•.'ch foreign trade has fallen; by increasing the ports o? the Gulf and the mouth of the Tigris are also
       . .ying power of the tribal people and cultivators, ; badly needed.
       . .realer demand fur imports is sure to result. The {  ■
        idnl belt, which is an vt long from lo-GO miles in i   Local msiBinTrES.
       i. ‘>UMs whtmwr.'tffi'cicnliy fertile, jrivenover to ! side bjsilIo ,vitll the Deed of, and openin'- for. the
      i:.t cultivator of gram, but the vapnes; of the rain- ! expenditure of cspit,, to piIt tllc Jumcrec of the
       - .ire tlu feet or fove.-wnj the posuihility of export ;   „ a v/il!jr lL;?, tbcie exist a number of elar-
                    A,crf * ,hcv rnountams, however, a har-  ; abnsos (0 wllich t!lc merchant is of tin .
        ucanmir.ost always be nlied upon,and yet tuough  : rictira> 3nl, wMth arc ia neCd of urgent reforms, not
       -r araoun. produced at promt » so far above tlie  E0 much bv the mcro voting of laws in  the capital,
      ,.-a!s of lb, cultivator* that a considerable amount  . but rcfor:ns enforced Iceallv"  Reforms thus needed
      Squally set fire to, high rates and dearth of animal j are for instance
      ; -nsport make it impossible to get a pound of this j
      j- the co.v5t for export- Besides grain, there arc   (i)  Bankruptcy proccetlings to be strictly en­
      ; --.tain berries aud wild nuts which would be of in-   quired into by the local authorities and all
       ~-*t for vegetable oils, and other products such as   attempted concealment of funds or the non-
      .yg'tablc rilk awaiting the advent of European   possession of proper accounts punished
      • 'discovery,” for Persian traders are both unaware   with a term of imprisonment. (Imprison­
       1 possible commercial uses to which produce may be   ment now is a farce).
       •gs and further arc never willing to try experiments.  (ii)  No transfer of property to be admitted u
       1 fortunately, however, little pioneer work or special-   legal, if made after a certain period previous
      ■sasi°n has been done so far by European firms   to prosecution for debt, and failure to meet
       -tded in the country. The only exception is gam   creditors.
        1215 F. Dl

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