Page 280 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 280


                                          H'i mi rver,   Tlic following table shows the comparative rates of
                                 Ijonnuct            the past few years for transport up-country:—
                                         a>*o KU.nruT.
                                                     1000 03       . 80 —90.
                                Krana  Cent*. Kraaf.1 Cent*.
                Sv.j’r, t'ff, »/'•«<*, let, etc. |   1000 07       . 130—220—210— 150.
                  - C-’O’.'J.                        1907 08       . 100-120—110—to—110.
                (ii)  Bap* supsr. rice,              19CS-09       . 140—100—170—220.
                    »pir« % mrr 2cut*.  0  IS  0  BS
                (iii) C»M\t|'a( .  u  1-1  0  42J  1909- 10  . COO—230—300—310—210—200.
                (it) Bag* loaf-nig»r 21              1910- 11      . 200—130—210—113—120—130.
                    fuWI ,   .   ,  0  12J  °!  -1
                (r) Bap* UaLangar, 20-28 j            Converted into £ sterling per ton at current rates of
                    conrai .   .   . I  o  0  0  i  32}  exchange, the cost of transporting piece-goods, sugar
                (ri) Bnp* lonf Biip.r, 30 j
                   com * .    • I  0  121  °!   37}  ami general merchandise over the ISO mile* between
                (vii) Hi".* loaf-sugar, 32-         Bushirc and Shiraz ranged during March 1910-11
                   •Id rone*      O   12}  0 |  42}  from *
                (rili) Oif?-ifi tea  0  13  0  45                             £ < dL   i
                  Chinn, '/■ittvar*, <tr.               March .               10 17 2
                (i) Cases, lar,*c  0  40   1   45       April .               8  17 0
                (ii)  „ simll     0   23   0   73                             9  8 8
                (u*) Window clnm .  0  10  0   45       May .   •
                (iv)  Kliamelt*arc  0  12}  0  Ci       June .   ,            12 5 4
                                                        August                8 0 2
                (i)  Bundle* iron Lara, 1               September .           6  13 9
                   cvtl.          0   12}  0   42}      (X t jber- Xo re tuber   7  0 0
                (ii)  Bund.'ca iron bars, }             December .            G 0 4
                   cwt.           0    G   ?l  24
               (iii) Brass i-Livta, lu.*_-c  I  0  l  95  January             5 18 8
               (iv)  „   „ s~.ll .  0  30  1    0       Fchrinxy              7 1G 9
               (r) Sheet* of hn.^> and
                   coj.f«r        0    G   0   3d i     3Lwh .                G   G
               (ri) I/ a 1 b in   0   12}  0   32} J
               (vii) (talv.ti: --<1 iron, tin   0  ft  0 '  2-9  '  Rote* ef transport from Shiraz to Ispr.ban aver a gel
               (\iii) Ir-a m :«*, hur.<:>« ,   0  23 |  0 '  70 I  from 117 Krans per 100 Shiraz mans (7S9 lbs.) to 205
               (ix) Slabs *i;n)   0   12}  0 i  32}  Kraus, though for the greater pisrt of the period cara­
                  Mi*(tnan*ov*.                     vans were not passing owing to insecurity.
               Candles            0   a    o!  24     One ton of merchandise is thus subject to the fol­
               InJiijo cases urge .   0  50  1  70  lowing apprormnte charges in its transport between
                  „ w Una II      0   23   0   85
                  „ bajrs .       0   15   0   70   the United Kingdom and Ispahan, the principal mar­
               Kerosene <»«•«     0   8    0   32 j  ket of Central Persia (exchange cf 53 Krans per £1 is
               Blues and »p:rita (2 to 4            assumed)
                down l>ott!c#)    o   20   2   45
               Matches large      0   30   3   40          rUce-joodt.  £ i. L&if-rrgar £ a. d.
                    email        0    23   I   70
               Sundries          0    25   0   80   Freight          . 1 15 0 (appro- 0 17 8
                                                    Lighterage .     .0 0 9 ximatc). 0 0 10
                            TRAXSrCBT.              Wharfage, delivery   .028     0 2 10
                Though the rates of mule-hire from Bushire to   Customs duty   . 7 17 4 •  0 19 8
               Shiraz showed a downward tendency during the   Average transport hiro from
               year, opening at 2*0 Krans per 729 lbs. and from   BusLirc to Shiraz   .10 6 0  10 G 0
               July 1910 to March 1911 ranging between 150 and   Average transport hire from   9 10 0
                                                     Shiraz to Ispahan
                                                                     . 9 10 0
               120 Krans closing at 125 Krans, mules were rearce
               for long periods. This was particularly noticeable in             £21 16 8
               April and May 191**, while during November there      £29 11 9
               was a cessation of all forwardings to the north. From   Rates of transport from the Caspian Sea (Resht) to
               the end of December to the end of February ab­  Ispahan work out per ton as follows:—
               normally severe winter weather and rain prevented
               caravans from working beyond Kaze-run. The rate   Approximate transport £12-2-0 to £12-18-0.
                                                        hire from ftcaht to
               of hire down country from Shiraz to Bushire was 50   Tehran (per too).
               Krans in June 1910, but in 1911, owing to scarcity of   Approximate transport £0-13-0.
               mules, rose to 100 Krans. Rates were lower than   hire from Tckr&Q to
               usual of late yean.                      Ispahan (per ton).

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