Page 280 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 280
H'i mi rver, Tlic following table shows the comparative rates of
Ijonnuct the past few years for transport up-country:—
a>*o KU.nruT.
1000 03 . 80 —90.
Krana Cent*. Kraaf.1 Cent*.
Sv.j’r, t'ff, »/'•«<*, let, etc. | 1000 07 . 130—220—210— 150.
- C-’O’.'J. 1907 08 . 100-120—110—to—110.
(ii) Bap* supsr. rice, 19CS-09 . 140—100—170—220.
»pir« % mrr 2cut*. 0 IS 0 BS
(iii) C»M\t|'a( . u 1-1 0 42J 1909- 10 . COO—230—300—310—210—200.
(it) Bag* loaf-nig»r 21 1910- 11 . 200—130—210—113—120—130.
fuWI , . , 0 12J °! -1
(r) Bap* UaLangar, 20-28 j Converted into £ sterling per ton at current rates of
conrai . . . I o 0 0 i 32} exchange, the cost of transporting piece-goods, sugar
(ri) Bnp* lonf Biip.r, 30 j
com * . • I 0 121 °! 37} ami general merchandise over the ISO mile* between
(vii) Hi".* loaf-sugar, 32- Bushirc and Shiraz ranged during March 1910-11
•Id rone* O 12} 0 | 42} from *
(rili) Oif?-ifi tea 0 13 0 45 £ < dL i
Chinn, '/■ittvar*, <tr. March . 10 17 2
(i) Cases, lar,*c 0 40 1 45 April . 8 17 0
(ii) „ simll 0 23 0 73 9 8 8
(u*) Window clnm . 0 10 0 45 May . •
(iv) Kliamelt*arc 0 12} 0 Ci June . , 12 5 4
August 8 0 2
(i) Bundle* iron Lara, 1 September . 6 13 9
cvtl. 0 12} 0 42} (X t jber- Xo re tuber 7 0 0
(ii) Bund.'ca iron bars, } December . G 0 4
cwt. 0 G ?l 24
(iii) Brass i-Livta, lu.*_-c I 0 l 95 January 5 18 8
(iv) „ „ s~.ll . 0 30 1 0 Fchrinxy 7 1G 9
(r) Sheet* of hn.^> and
coj.f«r 0 G 0 3d i 3Lwh . G G
(ri) I/ a 1 b in 0 12} 0 32} J
(vii) (talv.ti: --<1 iron, tin 0 ft 0 ' 2-9 ' Rote* ef transport from Shiraz to Ispr.ban aver a gel
(\iii) Ir-a m :«*, hur.<:>« , 0 23 | 0 ' 70 I from 117 Krans per 100 Shiraz mans (7S9 lbs.) to 205
(ix) Slabs *i;n) 0 12} 0 i 32} Kraus, though for the greater pisrt of the period cara
Mi*(tnan*ov*. vans were not passing owing to insecurity.
Candles 0 a o! 24 One ton of merchandise is thus subject to the fol
InJiijo cases urge . 0 50 1 70 lowing apprormnte charges in its transport between
„ w Una II 0 23 0 85
„ bajrs . 0 15 0 70 the United Kingdom and Ispahan, the principal mar
Kerosene <»«•« 0 8 0 32 j ket of Central Persia (exchange cf 53 Krans per £1 is
Blues and »p:rita (2 to 4 assumed)
down l>ott!c#) o 20 2 45
Matches large 0 30 3 40 rUce-joodt. £ i. L&if-rrgar £ a. d.
email 0 23 I 70
Sundries 0 25 0 80 Freight . 1 15 0 (appro- 0 17 8
Lighterage . .0 0 9 ximatc). 0 0 10
TRAXSrCBT. Wharfage, delivery .028 0 2 10
Though the rates of mule-hire from Bushire to Customs duty . 7 17 4 • 0 19 8
Shiraz showed a downward tendency during the Average transport hiro from
year, opening at 2*0 Krans per 729 lbs. and from BusLirc to Shiraz .10 6 0 10 G 0
July 1910 to March 1911 ranging between 150 and Average transport hire from 9 10 0
Shiraz to Ispahan
. 9 10 0
120 Krans closing at 125 Krans, mules were rearce
for long periods. This was particularly noticeable in £21 16 8
April and May 191**, while during November there £29 11 9
was a cessation of all forwardings to the north. From Rates of transport from the Caspian Sea (Resht) to
the end of December to the end of February ab Ispahan work out per ton as follows:—
normally severe winter weather and rain prevented
caravans from working beyond Kaze-run. The rate Approximate transport £12-2-0 to £12-18-0.
hire from ftcaht to
of hire down country from Shiraz to Bushire was 50 Tehran (per too).
Krans in June 1910, but in 1911, owing to scarcity of Approximate transport £0-13-0.
mules, rose to 100 Krans. Rates were lower than hire from Tckr&Q to
usual of late yean. Ispahan (per ton).