Page 272 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 272
Note on Cctrbncy, etc.
ITfi'jhl of (•.mmirei'il iin{<*t>incr m 'iietrict—contd.
70 Studiia (40 ptil«) . . - 1 Kran “54 (r.**rly). 1 Unshorn mnn ;
10 Krana .« 1 'JonrtjL Its
Coinage current in district:—(NitViol pieces of 1 Tn Buahire ....... ’ 121
and 2 Minins; silver pieces el 1 Kran (very few), 2 „ Chogadak and Chahkutah .... -121
Krans. .ri Krans (few). Imperial Dank of Persia „ Ancali, Rudkillch, Khurhab, Zi.arvt, SlwiUan-
notes of 1, 2, 3. 5, 10. etc., tomans. earn, Zoyduo and lk-liU-han - l .V J
In Bnshire it.-vlf ru|*ce5 and sovereigns are common „ Zira and Behbora ..... IM
ly arreptod. „ H-iyat Daoud........................................... IV*
Exchange. „ Limwi . . . . . . " . 23:'j
„ Hindian . . . . . * -2 JO
Hank rate per £1 during 11*1'.1-1911 :—
Krana. 1 Khanvar (UK) batman*-) ..... -rot
Maximum . . 5*3
Minimum . . 5313
Au-msf . 51 SO Packing.
Wiiyf.1 <f fotnn.trrinl m; vri'incr in iiitrict. !
. n*. Transport from Bushire to the interior is almost
16 kia*a (1 Ilushirc man) . . "7-75 • entirely by mules. A fair weight for bales transported
1 Tabriz or Ciatoras man (also ca:Ud bitm*n) . -C-34 by mule is 175 to 200 lbs. each half mule-load. Cases
1 Shiraz mao ...... . » 7-36 should be oblong, about 30x21x24 inches.