Page 303 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 303

           import from the different countries to the Port of Bushlrc during the years 1909*10 and
                       1910.ii, classified according to the Persian Customs—contd.

                                                  190S JO.  J910.1I.  1909-19.  1910-11.
                                                    £        £      Tons-   Tons.
         fct<itro rvinu/(k-furri—                                :
                                                      171     207 .
          Unit'd Kingdom .                            58      S3 ,•
          Germany                                      2       II
          Turk**/ •                                    4       12
          Adm •                                        12      ll>
          Egypt •                                              9 !          I —
          Oilier countries                             6       8
                                               -      236     312 J
         Svtp per/smed—                                          :
          India .                                     32       53 ,
          United Kingdom                              23       26 •
          Other countries                                      S|
                                        Total         58       89 !
         S*fr cAu—
          India .                                     233     1ST.     10       8
          Urn*ed Kingdom                               7       20 ! '
          France .                                     2
                                        Total         251     211 ;    10       9
         I'it l,
          India                                     1 F.'-OO   3.826 i   07    13
          Germany                                    1.374   1,750 :   6        6
                                        Total       19.974   5,570     73      19
         fvnt.'. dyes and rarniihe\ all other—                   I
          India .....                                 176     113      4        3
          United Kingdom . .                          211     69       2        1
          Turkey......................................        36                1
          Germany ....                                30      32
          Other countries                              3
                                        Total         420     2 SO     6        6

         Ttgtlallej and euirlancrs—                   52      29                1
          India .                                     G57     8S5      9       15
          Germany                                     221     352      2        3
          United Kingdoi                              43      247               2
          Russia .   .                                46      315      1        4
          France .   .                                 2      67
          Other countries                              2       8

                                        Total         791    1,874     12      24
   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308