Page 300 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 300
lfnports from the different countries to the Port of Dushlrc during the years 1909-10 and
1910-11, classified according to the Persian Customs—contd.
19C910. 191011. 1909 10. 101011.
£ £ Tent. Tont.
Ikr*. toritje and linot—
Indit ... 337 323 : 17
United Kingdom . 4 1(
Stlnia • . 3
Total 341 320 17
Jfrrtety and Kjrdvart
In-lit . . 4.102 0.S34
United Kingdom 640 791
Gcnnnny 392 333
France . 70 107
Turley . 38 92
Belgium 41
Rjsrit . 7 26
Oilier countries 3 4
Total 6,641 6,990
India 1.074 1,110 4 4
United King-lorn 435 G57 1
Germany 38 239
France . 215 153 1
Russia . 4 37
Other countrie* G-i 41
Total 1,850 2,237 6 3
Wald**, gill— So. No.
I.-.dit . . 71 96 17 13
United Kingdom 10 1
Sxitierland . 3 1
Total 74 106 18 14
Wcltht*, rjeer—
Isdit 44 46 31 40
United Kingdom 12 4
Total 44 68 31 44
Walchc*, cU c&er—
India 4 38 11 134
United Kingdom 3 16
Total 7 38 26 134