Page 297 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 297

               ort> from the different countries to the Port of Bushlre during the years 1909-10 and
                      1910-11, classified according to the Persian Customs—contd.
                                                   1909-10.  1910 11.  1999-10.  191011.

                                                     £       £      Took.   Too*.
 in ingett............................................
          Colt    fJIatinum manufacture*—
           ..............................................  273  267
           ..............................................  52  70
           France.......................................................  48
           foiled Kingdom ....                         17      35
           Other countries ....                        13       2
                                        Total         355      423

          fre'.ic’i* stone*—
           toli* ....                                  CC      105
          Sloner varied—
           LJI* ....                                    2      10
          Mineral product* not specified—
           India ....                                  G5     271      15      201
           Turkey ....                                 33      84      51      249
           0=ao ....                                           49              122
           Bahrain                                     27      39      48      71
           Other countries                              1

                                         Total        126     413      111     043

          Eve Cetton                                    3      65               2
          Cellos yam* arxl threada—-
           India .                                   17.657  13,515    20C     142
           Celled Kingdom .                          1,538    L985     10       12
           Germany                                             ro               1
           Bahrain                                             10
           France .                                             1
           Turkey .                                     2
                                        Total        19,197  15,601    216     155
          Tissue* of Cotton—
           United Kingdom                           1CT%335  236.865  1,013   1,351
           Ic'fU .                                  110,111  69.2S9   850      404
           Bihrain                                    494    1,187      4       7
           Dutch Indies .                                    1,172             11
           Germany                                    781     856       5       2
           Russia .                                   400     370       2       2
           Turkey .                                   211     273       1       1
           France .                                    61     103
           Switzerland .                              215               1
           Belgian                                    140
           Kuaraii                                     2
                                        Total       278,740  300,116  1,877   1,778
            1215 P. Sl
   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302