Page 292 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 292
Imports from the different countries to the Port of Bushtre during the years 1909-10 and
1910-11, classified according to the Persian Customs—conUl.
1001'-10. 101011. 1W-0 10. 191011.
I £ Ton* Too*.
jVnnVonji uncnumrrjtid—
India • • • 40 005 4 70
Turkey . 120 HI 10 S3
Total ICO 750 II 03
Alimtntnry pre.»
United Kngdom 18 CO l
India . 34 44
Other countric* 17 3
Total G9 07
Turkey . 1,770 633
Oman . 174
Bahrain 14 71
Kuwait 7
Total 1,784 785
OrcMM a**d CilrOTi9—
J1i<kat. 624
Oman 719 17 i
Total 719 G24 17 lCfiie)
Fruit', fr<ih end drifd— 1
India 519 318 32 1 20
Turkey . 15 24 3 6
Znnril-ar 107 4 G
Other countries 3 8
Total 674 354 41 27
Fruitt pre.wxd—
India 340 467 7 8
United Kingdom 65 120 l 2
Russia . 22 61
Germany 27 41
France . 32 31 I
Other count rice 14 1
Total 500 721 10 10
Olive oil— /
India . 10 24
United Kingdom 8 23
France . 16 17
Germany 3
Total 34 67