Page 289 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 289
irnnorts from the different countries to the Port of Bushirc during the years 1909-10 and
,nip 1910-11, classified according to the Persian Customs.
1009-10. 1310-11. 1009-10. 1010-11.
£ £ Ton*. Toe*.
2.724 2,710 73 77
jU-S^rong *TJ >0 11 10
foiled Kingdom 1G5 CO 6 2
J^ji* • CO 7 1 1
p*l r*I« 7
p.ji* . 7 8
Jat*T •
Tot At 3,431 2.919 97 82
162 210 No. 27 No. Cl
;>n*- _ 79 CO No. 9 No. 0
failed Kingdom .
Coiled Kingdom . C9 11
lcdia ... 136 32
Total 205 43
“ref /or building—
Iviia . ,« 2,173 1,710 377 274
4 67
Other countrica 1,140 104
Total 3,313 2,227 504 378
7 'd wrn>i/odured . 4 9
7tA unDianufaciurtd 429 8C0 <G6 856
Fnece . . . 383 293 2 3
India . 181 232 2 2
I'oitcd Kingdom . 34 81 1
Germany C3 62 1
Other countrie* 11
Total 062 658 6 6
Srtfiiy, vhisl-y and tpiriU of vine—
Ciutcd Kingdom ... 103 689 8
France ..... 1C8 109 2
Turbsy ..... 9
India . . . . , 42 166 1
Uasleat ..... 16
Germany .... 96 12
Total 418 992 11
1216 V. D.