Page 288 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 288
Comparative Statement of Imports Into Bush Ire from all Countries, during the years 190&.00
to 1910-11.
Vaivu. Valvm.
Country. Increaso. Dcot.vo.
190S-09. 1009-10 1C* 10-11- 1909-10. 19IO-IL
£ £ £ £ £
United Kingdom 3,77,769 203,703 2,83,707 80,039 28 42
India 2,91.930 362.902 2,48,021 1.14,891 61 37
Franc* . 61.473 75,877 82,370 23,507 11 i
GNminy . 24.933 31,133 43.02S 11.<OS 4
Belgium 279 3.297 12,623 9.326
Dutch Indie* . 2.470 413 10,190 9.707
Turkey . 21.215 11,113 9,322 1.791 2
Austria . 6.053 6,917 8,478 1.439
Bahrain 1,903 2,688 3,282 694
China . 1. >93 4.611 2.425 2.1S6
Russia . 2. M2 3,761 1,487 2,264
United State* 3.735 4,759 1,167 3,592 «■ 7
Rviltcrlaad . 225 1,010 7S5 I 4
liwlat 1.677 26 GM 618
Zantibar 973 1,191 377 S14
Oman . 1.151 S51 341 510
Kuwait 292 3,574 74 3,500
Other ccratrle* 2 23 18 7 J
Total 7.93.465 7,17,091 6,75,614 113.014 151,491 100 100
Dxctsas* £11,477
Comparative Statement of Exports from Bushlrc to all Countries, during the years 1908-09 to
I Aithoximate pxbcxft-
Yalo*. aqe.
Country. —; Increase. : Decrease. .
1903-09. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1 1900-10. 1910-1L
£ £ £ 1 £ £
United Kingdom 143,553 127,064 115,107 ! I 11,957 : 32 33
314 ;
India - • 94.S51 93.390 98.046 . 2,748 j 25 9 10
33.871 |
Turkey . 40.496 36,619 29,078 1 17 8
China - • 107,744 69,266 40,183 |
13,214 12,504 19,717 • 7,213 I ' 3 6
Egypt. - 15,917 . 1,538 * 4
Bahrain 5.757 14,379 7 4
Germany 7.007 14,413 12,972 1.441 y
Belgium 10.(09 1,329 7,188 1 6,159
United State* 3,803 7.685 7.098 687 2
Trance - 1.999 6,738 2,270 ; 3,468
Kuwait • 1,094 539 1.853 1.314
Aden • 664 1,095 1.734 639 3 - 7
Oman • • 145 307 1.386 1.079
Mnkat . 612 2,024 1,268 756 if
Russia . 545 645 •
Austria-Hungary 640 640
1.154 8,585 *585 2
Sue* «
Other countries 409 410 505 96 /
Total 432.696 400,692 348,950 18,677 70.619 100 100