Page 287 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 287

         This pun conies more especially from 3 sources:   the output is exported vul north and Russia, but in
        locally fr°,n    Hills, from Bchbchan, and  1910 owing to the state of the route to Shiraz a larger
          iK,st quality from Shiraz. In the last two years   percentage went that way.
        \has much* ad vanned in price in Bushire, starting
         «3 Krans (per man of 7J lbs) about March 1910 it   The current year’s prices in Ispahan arc for sweet
        {llto 31-32 Kr ins, rose by October 1910 to 11 Kr.;n3,   kernels 'JO Krans, bitter kernels, Hi Krans, ptr Shah
       (ioro averaging 39-42 Kraus. Shiraz guiu is perhaps   i man of 13 09 lbs., and for utishcllcd almonds, sweet
        o Krans dearer, with the expense of transport added.  j 4*35, bitter 3*35 Krnn9.
         The export of tragacanth to tlu* United Kingdom,   i The 1911 crop of Shiraz almonds, which arc con-
        Germany and the United States showed an advance   | 6idercd inferior to those of Ispahan, was average, but
        tfvond that of 1909-10. Ispahan reports in the   J owing to the extremely disturbed state of the country
        cciri-nt year give prices ruling at 23 to 30 Krans per   ; around Shiraz very few are being brought in. Prices
        j-ja of 13*09 lbs. for unassorted gum.  j in Shiraz for kernels have been Krans 14 to 15 per
                                            Shiraz man of 7*3G lbs. Prices are rising.
         The almond crop of 1910 was a bumper one csti-        IL G. CHICK,
       D3ted at over 200,000 Shah mans, or 1,170 tons ; the
       cicp of 1911 is estimated at about 93,000 Shah mans,  I  Commercial Adviser to the
       ct 572 tons. In ordinary years about GO per cent of  Political Resident & Consul-General.

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