Page 296 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 296
Imports from (he different countries to the Port of Bushirc during the years 1909.10 an(j
1910-11 classified according to the Persian Customs — contd.
100910. 1910-11. If 09-10. 1910 I|.
£ £ Tons.
Iron and fit (I tmnvj-irtwr*— Tent.
India .... 1.329 2.733 42
United Kingdom . 80 185 2 04
Germany ... 10 29 4
Turlrjr .... 6 24 !
Franc* .... 2 8
Other countries G
Total. 1,432 2,979 44 09
Tin, lead and zinc in birr, jl'.let, etc.—
India ...... 2.023 2,018 GO 40
United Kingdom . ICG C50 6 13
Other com,trie* . 4
Total 2,198 2.CG8 bb 62
Tin, Und and zinc mnnvjict'irti
India .... •19 119 2 4
United Kingdom 4
Total 49 123 2 4
Copper and -if I'l in lerr, plzles, tic.—
United Kingdom 12,433 12,320 1-53 164
India ..... 4,025 4.054 48 62
Other countries . 7 IS
Total 16,105 10,392 211 216
Copper and nidtl nanufadurt*—
India . 271 617 2 4
Russia........................................... 1G3 100 1
United Kingdom . 11 14
Total 4-16 631 3 4
Aluminium in hart—
India 98 1G0 1 1
Aluminium nuinujoctitra—
India . 32 124
United Kingdom . 106 1
Total 138 124 1