Page 307 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 307

           Exports frortithc Port of Bushirc to different countries during the years 1909-10 and
                        1910-K, as classified by the Persian Customs—contd.
                                                  1209-10.  1910-11.  1909 10. ;  1910-11.
                                                    £       £      Tons.   Ton*.
                                                    0.329   6.S05     05       05
                                                     315    1.536      3       II
          [*y'u«l Kingdom .
                                       Total        G.G44   Mil       03       76

         vr,. eel ipuifitd—                                       !
         ’ IniLi •   *                              4,730   3.4SI     300     273
          r- train                                   290     250      33       21
                                                     152     209       7       12
          TtfW •                                      70     132       3       7
          KliWAll -                                           130              13
          r_M-t •                                             41       I
          i>_ja -                                     21                       1
          .V!<o  •                                   1U8      40       G       1
          Z.uilar                                      4      25       1
          X. LU .                                    213      19      20       2
          I tiled Kingdom                             7S       8       2
          fritcc .                                     2
                                       Total        0,174   5,153     392     3S9
          ■ Ir.'flulle—
          kiia .                                    8,915   1MS9      729     991
          1Y:1*1 Eocdom                             1.S94   7.5S2     137     473
          i/’iua                                             201               60
          iVu'tiiT                                   772      131     03       8
          CeLer countries                                      2
                                       Total        11,581  21.101    929    1,533
          C:>.vd Kingdom                            41,772   41.203   391     394
          Greeny                                    7,342   9.'.'58   70       82
          Cj'ud States                              5,124   0.028     43       €2
          Klriuta                                           6.5 SG             73
          laJia .                                   2,547   3.292     27       27
 .                                 6,504   1.920     49       19
          It'lri* .                                          GIG               5
          0±cr countries                             543      15       4       1
                                       Total       05,892   7MS6      589     003

         •fr'Wtat .   .                               14      89       1       10
         T‘&Ue o0m .                                 147      42       4       S
            end bitumen                               6        4
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