Page 309 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 309
from the Port of Bushire to different Countries during the years 1909-10. and
itport* 1910-11 as classlf-ed by the Persian Customs.—contd.
r 1909 10. 1910 II. loooia 1910-11.
£ £ Toon. Tod*.
8 125 4
12 40
MSI 20.285 60 07
T«iW * 25 64
r.<ti4 • • . 11 15.5-12 38
ftalid Kingdom . 1 . 53 66
7.C50 2,033 21 8
Kijsut./ 1 470 1
r.O.P'.n 50 400 2
- • • G8 191 1
aoe 76 132
A1'-*8 • 40
(T..3 -
8.560 29
366 110
Total 63,918 65,329 202 188
\jn(f (J pure treof . 10
,r-t! ■! u-od mixed iriih cctlcx
'] rilk . 1.423 3C2
u'ey^a • CO 18 2
i---.' rsl specified . 35 24 6 6
I urdage and Urine 6 3
I'-.-try end hardvxrt 120 1C6 1 1
Jnii&c. 8 73 1
l+tlu cj art . 65 13G
jC-JM . 69,206 29,078 63 21
• l siU-1 Kingdom 42,550 19.SS2 30 14
S=yi* • 2.100 3,So0 1 2
Oiiruny 960
BiLrein 13 12
Tulxy . 1.C00 1
1,329 1
ZuaiUr 32
Total 117,320 63.732 86 37
Jniu rav- •
Ic5» . . 22,059 474 261
Frscrc . 92 2
tViUd Kingdom 200 6 1
0t^c7coanlrio* 88 2 1
Total 22.449 12.163 484 266
1215 F. JX