Page 310 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 310
Exports from the Port ot Bushlrc to different Countries during tlic jenrs 1909,10 .
1910-11 ns classified by the Persian Customs.—concld.
1909-10. 1910-1L 1909-10.
Ml*. 11
£ £ Ton*. Tee,.
Lealherwart 31 10 '
rettay and earthenuar* 147 208 197 19a
Printed nviflar . 34 33
raperuart . 4
Feragt • 35 231 12 SS
Scop ... 2
Tdbteeo uncyinujactured—
Turkey . 8,200 3.381 3C9 151
Aden sso 1.014 44 f7.
Bahrain • • K»i 7113 36 r.
E?ypt . 1,193 220 47 3
Lidia ... 10 44 I
United Kingdom . 493 19 2
Kuwait 3G
Total 11,715 0.022 617 :h
CcSciura end f/iint* 357 1.153 33 a
Te-jetolU t'JjftanCi*—
United Kingdom 44 274 4
India . • • 297 40 32
Germany 233 70 7 2
Other countries 132 11
Toth. 706 384 CO I
Spice* 181 7
Giatneare . 37
Candle* 44
Wax raw 1S2 3C8 3 3
Carriages and vehicle* 36
Perjumcry 4
Arm* . . 2
Silver and yJd thread 6
J[utical instrument* 16
India . 3,716 14,618
Turkey . 8,468
Bahrain 402 U8(
Kuwait 040
Total 4,118 25^10