Page 393 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 393
Table Ko. <? (3).— Principal Imparl t into Hu Aire from all tourect during the yean 1010-11, 1911-12
and 1012-13.
Talcs. WtlOHT.
1910-11. 1911-12. 19'. 213. 191011. 1J1M2. 1912-13.
C £ £ Tons. Tons. Ton«.
Matches . 2,019 3,021 1,376 82 115 40
Arms 00 10 3,719 No. 8 No. 4 No. 1,615
Cartridges • 43 3,542 2,531 120
WcoJ for building 2,227 2.9S5 2,097 377 3S8 414
Wood not specified SCO S34 1,160 856 975 j 1,218
Wines 658 1.035 1,090 7 6 | 11
Whisks, spirits, ole. 092 1.290 1,429 11 15 • 15
Beer, vinegar, etc. 253 423 537 12 20 i 21
Candles . • 2.783 7,027 9,057 CO 142 : 199
Coal and Charcoal 1,021 3,207 1.733 401 554 I 302
Baiter, etc. 99 707 971 1 3 10
Rice 11,318 11.215 18.219 1,023 1.157 1,105
Flour % 1,3*5 l,7v2 2,311 119 M2 l$3
Loif-sngar , S7.G73 105.131 140,095 3,721 4,$69 • 6.039
Soft and Crystal sugar 40.2C0 SS.S42 67,731 2.254 2,216 1 3,704
Tea, whito or pale 14.263 13.307 2S915 Cl 56 220
Tea, black 17.033 23,115 ] 131 222 J
Drugs and medicines 5,931 5,014 8.171
Spices . . • 3,219 ; 7,416 7.S89 54 154 , 145
Clothing . • 4 2.015 5.511 5,334 2 : 4
Kerosene oil . . 4*513 7.5S1 S.4lS 503 839 772
Iron, Heel ^in bars, etc.) 1,528 MW 1*057 129 138 107
Tron and steel manufncl ures 2.979 4,504 4,023 99 99 98
Tin, lead, zinc in bars, plates, etc. 2.791 2,370 3,230 56 29 33
Copjxir, nickel, etc. ; 17,023 13.662 2,f05 221 162 16
Gold and sUror manufactures 428 414 506 i
Cotton yams • » 15,001 : 17.8S5 14.1529 155 170 130
Tissues of cotton 300,115 . 459,343 570,235 1,779 2.50G 3,064
Tissues other, (plushes) , 965 1,191 2,136 2 2 5
Wocllcn van* * . , 1.053 2.042 2.7P4 3 fl • 10
Tissues of pure tiool , 12,283 • 10,313 11,816 24 S>2 i i 28
Tifiues of wool mixed with cotto 6,446 ! 5,481 5.613 20 18 ! 18
' f 1
Woollen shawls 1,294 ; 514 147
Jute yams , 5.877 2.441 2,647 : 205 82 : 80
I :
Tittues of sillt , 1,684 2.311 1,035 !
Tivues of silk mixed witfa cottoi
’ 3,974 4,977 7,084 3 6 ' 6
* Tiiiues of flax and hemp , 207 586 7 5 14
Gold and silver thread 916 1,778 817 6 ! 3