Page 397 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 397


                                             1911-12   1313-13   131 M2     1912-12
                                               A         JL       Too*.     Tons.
         Co (Too—
            India                                 6        03                    1
           Othor Countries                       29         3
                                 Totals          33        96                    1
         Rico shelled—
           India                               14,224    18,173     1,156     1,401
           Othor countrio*                       IS         47        1          4

                                 Totals        14,242    18,219     1,157     1,405
           Turkoy .                                        US                   23
           India                                 29         6          6         1
           Othor countries                       29         2          6

                                  Totals         5S        156        11        24
        Birloy and Oat#—
           Turkey ,                                        170                  41
           India .                                         155                  27
           Other countries                        7         3          2

                                  Totals          7        337         2        68
         Other Grain—
           India                                 £21      1,710       93       125
           Turkey                                442       414        65        59
           Kuwait                                           13

                                  Totals        1*353     2,137      15S        184
           India                                 23         81         1         1
           United Kingdom                        43         39         1         1
           Othor oountriea •                                1

                                  Totals         66        121         3         2
           India .
                                                1,633     2,218      135       176
           Russia ...                            128        45         7         4
           Kuwait .   •   ,                                 48                   4
           United Kingdom .                       1

                                  Totals        U62       2,311      142        183
           Macaroni and Tennicelll .             33         16
         Biscuits and gingerbread.-
           United Kingdom ,                      93        133         1         2
           India  9                              91         81         1         1
           Other countries                       23         1          1

                                  Totals         212       217         3         3
   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401   402