Page 395 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 395
Table Xo. 3. (J)-—Import* from the different eounirie* to the Tort of Bushire daring the year*
1011-12 and 1012-13, classified according to the Persian Custom*.
1911-12 1912-13 1911-12 1912-13
X X Tons. Ton*.
German/ 1,938 8-W 60 25
India 3S3 136 10 S
United Kingdom 1,235 ISO 36 5
China 160 4
Belgium 132 4
Austria-IIungary 129 3
Russia 54 2
Totals 3,921 1,376 115 40
Animal* 159 No. 92
German/ 6 3,603 No. 1 * 1.W1
India 10 65 3 6
Russia 20 4
United Kingdom 13 2
0*.her ccnn.trios 7 2
Toms 1G 3,719 No. 4 No. 1,516
Germany 6 2,313
India 3,533 176 120
United Kingdom 2 52
Other countries 1 14
Totals 3,512 2,554 120
Wool for building—
India 1,249 1,572 144 285
Other countries 406 525 73 139
Zanzibar 898 131
Russia 432 40
Totals 2,9S5 2,097 3S8 414
Wocd Manufactured 3 9
Woc-d unenuneratod 834 U66 975 1,348
India 268 542 2 6
United Kingdom 213 236 3 2
Franca 298 184 1 2
Germany 105 112 1
Italy 12
Othercountriei . 29 4
Russia 121
Totals 1,035 1,090 6 11