Page 291 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 291
Revenue during 1350 - Rs 62,000/-
Expenditure - Rs 61,4007-
The programme of work for the year 1350 was limited
owing to the uncertainty of collecting the revenue.
At the end of the year a sum of Rs 7000/- is still out
standing being owed to the Municipality on account of
house and shop tares.
New Sea Road. The largest new work done by the Muni
cipality during the year was the construction of a new
main road running from east to west between the Sea
Road and what was originally the edge of the town
before the ground inside the sea road was reclaimed.
This road cuts through the property of a number of
different people including Government land, Keepers
frontage, and the Amara of Abdurrehman Zayani, and H.E
Shaikh Hamad1s property. In places where buildings
were removed compensation was paid by the I&inicipality.
Part of the road was across ground that had been pre
viously reclaimed and part of it was across unfilled
in spaces. Up to now about Rs 9000/- has been spent on
the work but there remains a considerable amount of
filling in to be done, This new road will benefit the
owners of long strips of property lying between the
town and the sea road which are at present mostly
inaccessible except by narrow lanes running from
North to South. At the same time three of these lanes,
which were unhealthy water channels and receptacles
for rubbish, have been filled in.
Bazaar widening. Motor traffio is now possible
through most of the main bazaar streets though six
years ago it was only possible' to drive a car through