Page 292 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 292
Manama Municipality. -2-
through two of the bazaars. A house was purchased
and demolished to widen a road and a new house was
built to compensate an owner whose property had
previously been demolished for road widening.
Sea flail. A wall three feet high almost 200 feet
long was built on the shore at Hcura in order to re-
claim a large piece of ground, the property of the
Municipality, which was previously covered by the
sea at high tides.
lunatic Assvlum. The building was surrounded by a
wall six feet high made of stone and mud. This insti
tution is now used by Muharraq. as well as Manamah and
it has been found to be very useful and necessary.
Pier. A pier, built out into the sea, on the wes
tern sea road was made as a place for dumping stones,
mud, juss etc. in order to prevent persons from stacking
such material on the road itself. A fee is being char
ged which will eventually defray the cost of the build
Cemetery walls. The stone walls, with gates at
intervals, surrounding the Shia and Sunni cemeteries
on the scuth of the town have been completed and the
appearance of that part of the town is greatly improved
and the graveyards are now free of dogs which used for
merly to inhabit them and dig up the graves.
heights and measures. Tested weights and measures
manufactured in England and stamped with the Municipal
stamp and amount of weights in Arabic have been sold to
the local shopkeepers, the old innacurate weights have
been taken in.