Page 296 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 296

294                                                          Vi

                     Maharaq Municipality.         —2-

                         The Municipal nurse was viewed for some time with

                     suspicion but by degrees the people of Muharraq have
                     learnt to appreciate her as in shown by the following

                              1930     April - December.

                          Seccessful maternity cases         - 35
                          Clinic patients --------           - 4529

                              1931 Jany. Deer.

                          Maternity cases                    - 39
                          Clinic patients                    - 6647
                              1932. Jan - April

                          Maternity cases                        7

                          Clinic patients           —        - 1256
                      Total 2 years and four months          - 85 maternity cases,
                      and 12432 clinic patients.

                         There is need for at least one other midwife of this

                      type in Bahrain who can to some extent counteract the
                      damage which is being done by the local midwives whose

                      methods are in every way as bad, and in some respects
                      worse, than those practised in India which were recently

                      the subject of a book which caused universal comment.

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