Page 398 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 398
396 52
Death of Shaikh Sir Isa bin Ali,
accession of ii. E. Shaikh Hamad bin Isa.
His Excellency Shaikh Sir Isa bin Ali ulKlialifeh,
1C, C, I. E., C. S. I., died suddenly on 9th December
1932. lie was of great age and had been in failing
health for many years. He died in the early morning
while ii. E. Shaikh Hamad \va3 out hunting in the south
of the island. It is a significant fuct and caused
considerable comment that the widow of the late Ruler
gave orders that the funeral should take place at once,
without waiting for h. E. Shaikh liamud to arrive. H. E.
Shaikh Hamad reached the cemetery a few minutes before
the ceremony was completed, Shaikh Abdullah bin Isa
was on a visit to the mainland and Shaikh Sulman, who was
at his country house, arrived at I'uharraq. after the
funeral. Owing to the unsuitable haste with which the
arrangements were made no Police or officials attended
end many of the chief yhalifah Shaikhs were unable to
arrive in time.
ii. E. Shaikh Hamad’s accession was celebrated about
two months later. The principal event was a Durbar,
the biggest which has ever been held in Bahrain, which
took place in the great hall of the Government school,
9th February 1933 l14th Shawaal, 1351) at which the
Hon’ble the Political Resident delivered to His Excel
lency a "Kharita” from His Excellency the Viceroy con
gratulating him on his succession, The Kharita was
received with a salute of 30 guns and at the close of
the proceedings a salute of 100 guns was fired. Kis
Britannic liejesty’s Political Agent, representatives of
the ITavy and Air Force, the European and American com-