Page 401 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 401

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          (3ehrain electric supply)

                    the- meter readers and collectors had to call four
                    or five times at the same house before being allowed

                    to see the meter and before obtaining money,        It
                    was decide! that from the beginning of the new year
                    the system of collection would be altered and con­
                    sumers would be called upon to pay their bills at

                    the Government office instead of paying then to
                    house to house collectors.      Persons owing debts were
                    threatened v/ith being cut off and prosecuted and

                    by using somewhat drastic measures most of the out­
                    standing amounts was recovered,      It is hoped that
                    the new system will be more effective than the old

                       The report of Mr. 7. 3. Steele, State Engineer,
                    is as follows

                       The Bahrain Electric Suunly deuartment has again
                    been seriously fexsa. affected oy the general economic
                    depression, but the returns for 1351 show a marked
                    increase in revenue, and the financial position is
                    more favourable than it was at the end of 1350.
                       The following extra load has been connected during
                       457 ooints making a total of 22 Kilowatts, of
                    which 267 are light points and 190 fan uoints and
                    heaters etc. Eour refrigerators and and three water
                    uumns have also been connected making a total of 23
                       Revenue from connectei load during 1351 was
                   Rs 27,462/- as compared with Rs 22,485/- in 1350.

                       During the year 116 houses were wired, 96 in
                    Manomeh and 20 in Muharraq.
                       7irin^ contracts.— Tiring has oroceeded steadily
                    during 1351. and the price rer r>oint has been further
                    reduced, ana is now es low as economically possible.
                    It has been keot low in order to encourage the uublic
                    to take electricity. In some cases houses have been
                    wired as low as Rs 14/- per ,Aoiut using Callen iers
                    "Keleeco" wire end fittings, the cost per point
                    depending on the distance apart.
                       In connection with the sale of electrical appli­
                    ances end wiring (and consequent consunntion of
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