Page 403 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 403

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     (Bahrein Elec. Supply)

                xxlthough under no obligation to supply this, the govern­
                ment, in order to help the Imperial Airways as much as
                possible, agreed to run when required, which very often
                meant two or three days a week, due to the Air mails
                being late on account of bad weather.
                    Public telephones.— The rcovernment of Bahrain,
                 in conjunction* with the I.'anamah Hunicipality^ decided
                 to instal a telephone system in the torn of ilanamoh,
                using a central exchange. This scheme has been carried
                 out by the electrical department and at the end of 1351
                 twenty lines had been connected and two were in course
                 of erection. The scheme has proved a great convenience
                 and as time goes on, the local exchange will probably
                be linked with the Bahrain Petroleum Coy's camp. which
                 is at the nearest point some fourteen miles distant.
                 The Camp already has six internal telephones and will
                 in time have many more.

                    It is also hoped that enough subscribers will be
                 forthcoming in the town of MuKarrak to warrant running
                 a trunk line across the sea.

                    Until now only tv/o applications have been received
                 from Uuharrak.
                    Two rates are available to subscribers, one a flat
                rate of Is 150/- per annum and the other Rs 45/- per
                annum plus one anna a call of six minutes duration.
                The former is the most popular.

                    Prospects for 1352.— Although it is difficult to
                make a forecast at present, it can reasonably be assumed
                 that wiring, (with consequent additional load) will
                proceed, i? not faster, at the present rate, during
                1352.     It is also honed that the sale of appliances
                will increase,       Should the economic situation become
                easier, then many more consumers will come forward.

                    There are enough    potential consumers in Kananah and
                Muharrak to make the     undertaking a good paying propo­
                sition, but the universal cry is that they at present
                have no money.

                    General.— The department carried out all the govt,
                 car repairs as heretofore, and in addition to the
                wiring contracts in Kanamah and Kuharrak, carried out
                the wiring of the new offices, etc. of the Bahrein
                Petroleum Co. at the Uebel Dukhan and their telephone

                    A durbar was held in Manamah during the month of
                Shewaal 1351. in honour of H.3.Shaikh Hamad end for
                three days the town was illuminated some 70G extra
                lights being erected on public and private buildings.
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