Page 427 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 427


                     Iters VIIT to XII or*, or.timated accord:a-;
                to the recoin:,*; from these sources durLiv* 13fl.
                it is probable that they v«ill rrodjee the ur.j’*:..3
                which I have estimated.
                     XITI.   Tnterest or. deserve.    This is cni-
                culated or* the assumption that the Reserve Fund

                v/ill remain at the present firnire which is
                hs 2,00,000/-.   If, as is probaole, the Reserve
                Fund is increased from certain sources there
                will be a corresponding increase in the interest

                which it yields.
                     XV. loan recoverable. This represents
                the instalment cf a loan mode to the Ilukarrac
                municipality to ray for their share of the
                capital in the electric Scneme.

                     3slance from 155‘:.   The particulars of
                this bslanc- con be seen in the statement of revenue-
                                                               c .
                etc.   The balance includes £1000. paid at the^cf

                the year by the British Coverment for lease of
                the .'tiherrec aerodrome fror October 1932 till
                October 1934.
                     Expenditure.    Tile expenditure differs v<sry
                slightly to the amount shown in the previous

               year.    Tr.e allotment for trie Sectreteriat is
                somewhat higher then in 1BBP. as it includes
                leave passages for the adviser which are payable

               once in every Tcur years.      The total expenditure
               represents only the amount necessary for main-
                teinin.v the present administration end allows
                for no expansion in any direction,     It will be
                noticed that th Civil List absorbs considerably

               more than half the total expeniiture.

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