Page 426 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 426
Police r.n 1 vivri ?;' most of the Fum.-er, v;ki1 *.•
th* director of Customs war or. 1*;: vo, I b'.ve
] ?*; 11 vi tli t;r* customs v;or’:. : t has been
im^ossiolo for me to afford 1 h: v.;ce3SOvy %iir.r
-;• compile c full report,
file 1353 Budget. Owing to u .expected revenue
froi the Bahrain Petroleum Company and from the
lease of the Kuhcrraq aerodrome it has been pos
sible '.o balance the budget by including the
• .1* r.^ from 1332.
Customs Peceirts. I have estimated the
from this department at the same figure
•■v.lch I estimated In last year’s budget though
the actual receives during 1332 amounted to nrarc-
xinsteiy Ks 6,0S,C00/-. It may be reasonably
assumed that the revenue during the coming year
will exceed the sum which I have anticipated.
71. Oil. This sun includes eight instal
ments of .-is 5,?c9/- of which :s 30,000/- is repay
able from future royalties, according to the
arrangement agreed upon between the Bahrain
government and .the* Bahrain Petroleum Company.
Although it is practically certain that the oil
i company will commence shinning oil during the
coning summer and that royalties will become pay
able to the government during 1353, yet I have
not assumed, in making this budget, that any
revenue from royalties v/ill be received.
Vli. Leese of aerodromes. This includes the
rent of I'anemeh aerodrome and the rent of the 1'uhtrreq
aerodrome for 1934-35 which I assume will be paid in
advance in October 1934.