Page 425 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 425

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                         i:o.   - •  , j. F. of 1353
                         Office of tne .VIvisor to
                         tho Coverr/ver/. Bahrain.
                         Doted, Hsharan, •!,  1353
                             Aoril, :?,  1934.

                        The Financial .-.dviser to the Government,

                        His 3ritan'llo Haj.-sty’s Political --.sent


                       I have the honour *: submit for your infor­
                 mation the State Budget for 1353 mi the annual
                 report and particulars of P.evonu? crA Expenditure
                 for 1352.    This is the ninth budget which I

                 have had the honour to prepare.
                       The annual report is very brief,     liany
                 natters which should have been mentioned have
                 been omitted.    Owing to the fact that I am pro­

                 ceeding on leave in three days most of the -report
                 was prepared before the end of the year,      I have
                 had a greet deal of additional work to complete

                 during the last two months besides my ordinary
                 duties, I have carried out the work which used
                 tc be done by the Assistant Adviser end Commandant
                                                           of —
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