Page 420 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 420
Shaikh Khalaf. During last summer Shaikh Khalaf
left Bahrain on a lengthy visit tc Eatheroain where
some of his family are living, Before he left he
was sued in the Bahrain Court by a local pearl
merchant who proved a claim against him for Rs 14,000/-.
The Court insisted upon Shaikh Khalaf handing over
title deeds for certain of his property in I'anamah
sufficient to settle the claim, before leaving the
country. If is not known when or whether he proposes
to return.
Traci Agitator. (Syed Saleh bin Syed I'ehdi)
A week or two before the death of Shaikh Isa a
young Shia Iraqi named Syed Saleh bin Syed Kehdi des
cribed on his passport as a student, arrived in Bahrain
from Kuwait where he ?4aaed was said to have been the
guest of the Ruler. Ee stayed for one night with
H. 3. Shaikh Hamad and then became the guest of Khan
Saheb Yusuf Kanoo. Ke was invite! to address the
Manamah club which is ostensibly now political. He
made a long speech in which he referred to the English
as wolves and the people of' 3ahrain as their prey.
After Shaikh Isa’s death a large meeting was held
under the auspices of the club in Khan Saheb Yusuf
Kanoo1s building on the sea road. Various people
spoke including school masters^and several young men
recited poems commemorating the late Ruler. Syed
Saleh bin Syed !!ehdi also’ spoke. His speech was
violently enti-English and his sentiments were not
even disguised by metaphor. He stated among other
thiags, that Jesus Christ had been crucified by the