Page 421 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 421
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the Jews, but Shaikh Isa hail'been morally crucified
by the English. His speech was applauded by some
of the audience including several of II. E. Shaikh
Hamad’s nephews. On the following morning he was
taken out to the mail boat which happened to be in
the harbour and nrovidei with a free ticket to another
7/hen he was in Bahrain, he openly abused not only
the Government but both the Sunni and the Shia ^adis.
It is said that this individual was recently imprisoned
in Iraq for having made a seditious speech in the
presence of His Majesty King Faizal.
Dawasir. The town of Budeya is gradually being
re-inhabitel by members of the Dawasir tribe who
returned one by one from Dhammam. Ahmed bin Abdullah,
the son of the late Shaikh of the Dav/asirs makes
every effort to prevent his followers from returning
to Bahrain. Unfortunately, owing to his influence
with Shaikh bin Jelo.i, several times during the year
he has been able deliberately to cause misunderstandings
between the Governor of Hassah and the Ruler of Bahrain.