Page 415 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 415

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           government would permit his local arent to tranship
           nis cargo within the port of Bahrairi^pre-payment of' the
           two per cent duty, brut without payment of trie Import
           Yard charges leviable if the cargo were landed ashore.
           Since this arrangement did not affect the richt of the
           Bahrain government to collect the 2% duty upon all main­
           land cargo brought to this port, and was consistent v/ith
           other collections of duty upon cargo transhipped here
           by native craft, there was naturally no objection to the
           proposal; and no doubt the 3.I.3.N.Coy. were satisfied
           to secure their freightage on such cargo.
                 However, while this understand^was being arranged,
           the s.s.”Ahme\i,T a ship of the HeaazL line, was char-
           terea by certain interested persons, and laden with
           15,339 packages for Bahrain, of which 6,938 packages                 -
           were  manifested for the mainland port of Oqair  via
           Bahrain, and these packages were shipped partly by
           Hajy Hassan bin Mar’zuk, and partly bv* the'Bombay rela­
           tives of this man’s local Nejdy ^gent. The steamer
           arrived here on 27th Jamad al Thania 1351 (27th October
           1932) under the command of a Captain R. Parcou, who
           declared that he had been specially chosen to command
           this ship on account of his’long experience in seaman-
           shin and’mercantile negotiations; and he intended to
           land the Bahrain cargo here, and to proceed to Oqair
           with the quantity intended for that port, and also to
           buoy the channel in the neighbourhood of Has Tanura for
           .the benefit of future steamers going in that direction.
           It haonened that there was no ^ent’for this steamer
           in Bahrain, and the government aid not sanction the
           appointment of certain persons who were invited to
           work as Agents by the ship’s owners.
                 Moreover such an action appeared to be a distinct
           infringement by this ship of the Bahrain governmentTs
           right to its 2% Transhipment duty; therefore Captain
           Parcou was informed that unless tnis duty were paid
           here, his Bahrain cargo would not be permitted to be
           landed. Some lengthy discussion followed during
           which the Commander of s.s.,TAhmedi” endeavoured to
           insist on what he urged were his rights to land cargo
           here and to proceed on with fetaix^car^o; and he v/anted
           it to be inferred that he was especially chosen by
           some government authority for this voyage particularly
           to mark the channel to Ras Tanura, ana the name of
           Captain Philby the Port Officer of Bombay was frequently
                 However the 3ehrain government maintained its
           attitude so the ship proceeded to Ras Tanura where it
           landed its mainland’cargp and its Bahrain cargo, and
           after returning to Bahrain to land coolis, clerks etc.
           proceeded onwards to Busreh where it was said to have
           another charter-party awaiting it. The Commander had
           previously pointed out what heavy demurrage would be
           payable oh account of the ship’s delay in arriving at
           Busrah, end hinted that he believed.his owners would
           hold the Bahrain crovernment resr onsiblc for the cost
           of such delay. 'These owners have, in fact, made
           such a clsin; but I understand they are not pressing it
           wisely enough.

                 The effect of this incident is quite satisfactory,
            for the authority of the a in government in its own
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