Page 410 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 410

                                                 -3-                               a 4

                           steady quantities the superior ranchester cotton
                           niece poods, practically all piece goods now impor­
                           ted into Rohm in ore of Jana no so origin, bom-lit bv
                           local traders through thoir Admits in Bombay; but
                           this enterprise extends over a wide          ranpc includ­
                           ing cement, cycles and gramophones, and may go fur­
                           ther even to rice, motor curs and eggs! Also,
                           Chinese cigarettes have made their appearance, us
                           well as Russian niece goods, matches and sugar*
                                 The following comparison of the principal commo­
                           dities imported should be of interest:-

                                                 Year 1350                 Yeur 1351
              Commodity         Unit Quantity value A.V. •quantity*         va lue  IX. •  V.
                                                   -fe-                         •Rs-

              Rice               cwts  263,308   20,76,850./- 318,558       17,33,530/-
              7/heat              "     18,990       92,910/-  13,358          06,800/-
              7/heat flour        n     45,790     1,93,000/-  50,674        2,34,450/-

               Coffee            bgs     6,420     4,19,650/-    6,133       4,14,960/-
               Sugar (soft
               including Bri­
               tish & Russian
               beet)     • •     cwts   95,140/    6,46,030/-   66,234       3,98,670/-
               Sugar (loaf)      3rs    24,670     3,68,650/-   23,013/      2,08,320/-
               Block tea          c, s  11,484     4,62,000/-    4,777       1,65,700/-

               Cotton Pcegds.                     21,25,970/-               17,38,870/-
 I             Silken and arti­
               ficial silk
               piecegoods                          1,81,500/-                3,27,080/-

                                  Considering the above, the year 1351 shev/s a deg
                            crease under 1350 in most commodities, whicn is consis­
                            tent with the trade position. The marked decrease,
                            howevr-r, in sugar and ,tea may be accounted for by
                            falling-off in the export trade in these two commodi­
                             ties, for this exy'hrt'trade accounted for the greater
                            hart of the innorts, when the teo and sugar were expor­
                             ted hence to the mainland of ,Arabia, and re-exported
                             thence possibly to certain Persian ports, I am inf9rmed.
                             It appears that an almost prohibitive imnort duty is
                             inr>ose*: on tea and smsar, which, supported by strict
                             patrol of the sea-coast, makes this Persian import
                             trade very difficult for the m.rchants; but of course
                             this arrangement enures in favour of the well-known
                             Russian trade agreement anl assists the T\S,3.R, in
                             exporting its tea and sugar into J'orsianterritories
                             from the *I!orth; and consequently the southern import
                             suffers accordingly.
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