Page 410 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 410
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steady quantities the superior ranchester cotton
niece poods, practically all piece goods now impor
ted into Rohm in ore of Jana no so origin, bom-lit bv
local traders through thoir Admits in Bombay; but
this enterprise extends over a wide ranpc includ
ing cement, cycles and gramophones, and may go fur
ther even to rice, motor curs and eggs! Also,
Chinese cigarettes have made their appearance, us
well as Russian niece goods, matches and sugar*
The following comparison of the principal commo
dities imported should be of interest:-
Year 1350 Yeur 1351
Commodity Unit Quantity value A.V. •quantity* va lue IX. • V.
-fe- •Rs-
Rice cwts 263,308 20,76,850./- 318,558 17,33,530/-
7/heat " 18,990 92,910/- 13,358 06,800/-
7/heat flour n 45,790 1,93,000/- 50,674 2,34,450/-
Coffee bgs 6,420 4,19,650/- 6,133 4,14,960/-
Sugar (soft
including Bri
tish & Russian
beet) • • cwts 95,140/ 6,46,030/- 66,234 3,98,670/-
Sugar (loaf) 3rs 24,670 3,68,650/- 23,013/ 2,08,320/-
Block tea c, s 11,484 4,62,000/- 4,777 1,65,700/-
Cotton Pcegds. 21,25,970/- 17,38,870/-
I Silken and arti
ficial silk
piecegoods 1,81,500/- 3,27,080/-
Considering the above, the year 1351 shev/s a deg
crease under 1350 in most commodities, whicn is consis
tent with the trade position. The marked decrease,
howevr-r, in sugar and ,tea may be accounted for by
falling-off in the export trade in these two commodi
ties, for this exy'hrt'trade accounted for the greater
hart of the innorts, when the teo and sugar were expor
ted hence to the mainland of ,Arabia, and re-exported
thence possibly to certain Persian ports, I am inf9rmed.
It appears that an almost prohibitive imnort duty is
inr>ose*: on tea and smsar, which, supported by strict
patrol of the sea-coast, makes this Persian import
trade very difficult for the m.rchants; but of course
this arrangement enures in favour of the well-known
Russian trade agreement anl assists the T\S,3.R, in
exporting its tea and sugar into J'orsianterritories
from the *I!orth; and consequently the southern import
suffers accordingly.