Page 411 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 411

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                   .jiotlior interesting point ithe increase in
              the quantity of artificial silk niec. goods her*?. These
              come almost entirely from Japan; and are reasonably
              pood in quality, very cheap in price and attractive in
              appearance• These goods have found a ready market
              here and particularly favoured for re-export to
              the mainland of .a-abia. although for religions reasons
              the wearing of pure silk roods’is®not approved thcr*
              It has naturally followed that the trade in Manchestpr
              cooton niece vodc has relatively suffered; and this
              is an interestin'” fact to record in view of my report
              on the lffcal pieoegoods market*of three years ago.
                   The quantities of cereals and coffee are reasonably
              constant and mean that local merchants are’buying against
              sal^s instead of, as heretofore, accumulating large
              stocks in a speculative manner a .gainst the possible
              needs of the pecrliny season. For two years there
              has been no special d.I.S.N.Coy rice steamer here from
              Calcutta, and the merchants1 requirements are now brought
              forward bv transhipment vio Bombay.

                    If we compare actual receipts (as distinguished
              from Bu iret Estimates) for the past two years, we shall
                   Comparison of receipts

                                                Year 1350        1351.

                 Steamers cargoes  • •    • •  Ks 2,73,578/-   2,94,400/-
                 Native craft       • •   • •      93,691/-      81 870/-
                 Parcels duty .           • •       9,234/-      16,519/-
                 Ps 3 s e n ge r s 0 a rga ge   • •  15,182/-    19,470/-
                 Export duty 7      • •   • •       2,352/-       11913/-
                 2JC duty on R.E. cargo            38,052/-
                 Miscellaneous fees       • •       9)404 /-      7~662/-
                 Re-export duty     • •   • •                     2,345/-
                 Import: Yord charges           1,78,197/-     1,53,381/-

                   The above comparison of facts is interesting in
              view of the fact that on the 1st Makurum 1351 (corres­
              ponding with the 6th Nay 1532) the current flat rote of
              Import Duty of five per cent ad valorem was changed to
              seven-ond-a-half rer cent od valorem upon 0 small list
              of articles which might perhaps be termed •Luxury”
                   This list was compiled with the Advisor’s unprovol
              after very careful consideration, working unon the prin­
              ciple of doing nothing to increase the coat to the public
              of food commodities. Later in the year, namely 4th
              Ramodhan. 1351 (corresponding with 31st December 1932)
              the rate.of seven-and-a-half per cent upon these commo­
              dities was further increased to ten pur cent, except
              upon alcoholic liquors and tobacco and its manufactured
              products, which .were increased to fifteen per cent ad-
              valorem. In regard to these increased, which were
              made with considerable reluctance, it is r'ood to note
              that they were accented by the mercantile'community
              without any comment except perhaps a little surprise
              that they had not been imposed earlier; ond, indeed,
              at the present time the importers are expecting that
              the rate of ten per cent ad valorem will’be applied
              to imports of all kinds, as the necessity for raising
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