Page 446 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 446

                                                                                     W. A
                     444                     -7-

                                    (vi) Changed weather conditions.

                                    During the Inst five years wind conditions
                               have altered. The "Bara" forty days wind,
                               used to blow before the diving began, gradually
                               it has started later and it now blows during
                               the diving season with the result that for many

                               days the sea is too rough for diving. The
                               main season cannot be altered as it is settled
                               to coincide with the time that the sea becomes

                               warm and therefore it starts ten days later
                               every year.
                                    These are the reasons to which the depres­
                               sion is attributed to locally.
                               Cultured pearl case.

                                    12. Khalil Bakr, a Qattar pearl merchant
                               trading in Bahrain, was found guilty of contra­
                               vening the cultured pearl regulations. The

                               case caused widespread interest not only in
                               Bahrain but in all the diving communities
                               throughout the Gulf. The last case of a

                               similar kind wa3 in 1348 when Abdullah AlZaid
                               was sentenced by the Bahrain Court on a similar
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