Page 451 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 451


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                 On one occasion, in the past, they nade a demons­

                 tration against the police*

                       10.   The work of the naturs (town watchmen)
                 under the Amirs has been very satisfactory. They

                 have brought to light a number of cases of theft
                 and smuggling and now that the police are Arabs,
                 not Indians, there has been more co-operation
                 between the two services.     By degrees I hope

                 that the naturs will become a body from whom
                 recruits for the police can be chosen,      When
                 vacancies occur among the naturs they are now
                 filled by men who would be suitable as police

                 recruits when any are required,     They obtain
                 experience in police work but do no drill.      The
                 Amirs have requested that the naturs should be
                 ordered to wear a distinctive dress, but of

                 local type.    The matter is under consideration.

                       11.   There have unusually few serious

                  crimes during the year and no cases of murder.
                 Most of the matters reported by the police have
                 been petty thefts, pickpocketing and brewling.
                       12.   For some years complaints have been
                 nade by the villages around Manamah of thefts

                 by a band of unknown men who in some cases used
                 donkeys to carry away the spoil,      Cows and
                  sheep have been disappearing in large numbers.
                 Early in the year a house at Sinabis was broken

                  into and robbed, among other things a bag of
                 rice was stolen.    The ovmer of the house, an
                  old Arab woman, discovered that the rice was
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