Page 455 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 455

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                    1.    There is little to report on tnis subject.
               Owing to financial necessity the expenditure on
               education was reduced in the last budget from

               Kb 40,COO/- to 30,000/- but in spite of this drastic
               reduction it has been possible to keep all the
               schools open and the number of students on the
               rolls has increased during the year from 828 to 966.

               The average attendance during the year v/as 750.
               Classes in some of the schools have been combined
               with a consequent reduction in the number of teachers.
               The top form of the liuharraq boys school takes lessons
               in T.snamah and in crier to save the expense of pur­

               chasing furniture one of the classes in "uharraq
               occupies the school mosque as a form room,      The
               work of education has continued as before though

               rerhsps some of the teachers are less efficient than
               tr.ose who were employed during the previous year.
                    2.   The distribution of the schools is as
                    Boys, j.ruharraq      302 students.
                           I/anamak        248
                           Head           116
                           Rafaa            68
                           xilawiya        50
                    Girls. L'anamah        108
                           Maharaq          74
                                              •966. enrolled.

                    3. Six boys from the government schools were
               appointed during the year as apprentice clerks in
               government offices. In tnese cases the salary
               commences at Hs 50/- per month. There is very greet

               competition among the boys leaving the schools for
               eny vacant posts in the offices. Several
               locally educated boys have held such posts for some
               years and their work has been very satisfactory.
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