Page 456 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 456
3: .
Tho Bahrain government makes it. *i practice whenever
possible to ercnloy young men who have been educated
in the 'overnrun- schools and 'this does much to
encourage education.
4. The total number of teachers is 20 of
which 11 only are foreigners, It is still impos-
sible to cbtair. suitable locally trained men for
the higher posts in the schools or as teachers in
the girls* schools, The general management of
the schools is left to the Inspector of education,
Vt. .takas, who also teaches English to xhe top
clesses of xhe ITeharraq and ITanensh boys schools.
5. At the end of the term the school boys
as us*.*sl produced a play. The one chosen was
r.oliere*s L’cvere, preceded by an historical drama,
a '.veil known incident in Arab history, 3cth plays
were very well acted end well produced, L’avare
was adapted to suit local conditions and made very
topical. Various local matters were introduced.
6. Teachers at the boys* schools have been
ordered to teach the boys the authorised system cf
keeping diving accounts. Besides being an exercise
in arithmetic this instruction should contribute
towards inr. roving the conditions of the diving industry.
I am at oresent considering issuing to the schools
a very short history of 3ahrain which could be compiled
iron the material wiuen I have already collected, The
general public in Bahrain are entirely ignorant of the
past history of their country.
' 7. If funds were available the scope of the
schools could be extended and various local industries
might be taught such as carpentry, metal end leather
work etc. .at present all the carpenters, as well ss