Page 457 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 457
as oil the masons in Bahrain uro Persians. The
’teaching of handicrafts would bo ^veu more valuable
than the e.iucalion which is bein'* *iv<?n ah rtres-.zz.
Until financial conditions improve r.o sucn devdlcr—
menis could be attempted.
8. The private school belonging to Hoj
Ibrahim al Arraiyadh continues to flourish end is
attended by about 100 boys. The Persian school
has recently extended its building and the American
Mission school hes a fair attendance.
9. There is a real desire amen? the parents
in Bahrain for their sons tc obtain, an education
and they are not satisfied that the boys should
only learn Arabic and they constantly ask that
more attention should be raid to English, It is
the policy of the schools not to teach English
except in the top classes.
10. It has beer, suggested that the growth
of education in Bahrain will eventually form a
semi educated class as it has in other similar
countries which will disdain manual labour and
failing to obtain employment will cause trouble.
Social conditions in Bahrain however are semev/hat
different to those of other countries, The chief
industry of Bahrain is the diving industry and for
this work a certain degree of education, especially
a knowledge of figures, is an advantage, Education
in the schools, exceot in Manamah and Muharreq, is
of the simplest description and almost all the boys
attending Manamah and Muharraq schools ere sons of
merchants and small shopkeepers or pearl brokers
and nakhudas. Most of them will in the usual way
enter the business of -heir fathers where education