Page 462 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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crowds especially in the summer evenings, The
trees ere r.ow about seven years old and afford
annle shade in the hot weather, The value of
property.adjoining the garden has increased.
6. To 2D of Shaikh uhned si Fateh. This
tomb, on the southern edge of tne town, is where
the first Khelifah Shaikh who conquered Bahrain
is buried. *.7ith the approvel of His Excellency
Shaikh Hamad a wall was built round it by the
7. rilling in swarms. York was carried on
in filling the pits cn the southern edge of the
town which collect stagnant water during part
of the year. jib out 1000 cubit feet of filling
was done on what will eventually become very
valuable land.
The joint owners of the evil smelling piece
of water between the house of Then Bahadur Abdul
Aziz Sozaibi and the premises of the Mesopotamia
Persia Corporation, on the south of Government
Hoad were eventually compelled to commence re
claiming it. A considerable part of it has
now been filled in. The owners are Than Bahadur
.-.bdurrehman Ziani and one Yusuf Fakhroo of Muharraq.
8. Municipal nurse. A municipal nurse was
employed during the year and a clinic for women
and children was opened near the American Mission
hospital. The nurse is a qualified midwife and
was at one time employed by the American Mission
in Bahrain. Free advice and treatment is given
at the clinic but e charge is made for maternity
cases and attendance at the houses of the patients.
During the year 4,500 women end children
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