Page 467 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 467
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- ir.ic: pal councils have tr.ade attempts to deal
4.i:v* situation but so far with small success.
;;ov i widening. Jevero] reads, formerly
inaccessible to -.ctcv troffi.c, Lave been inproved
by id inin**. Thn roads of I.'nharreq town are
still very r.uch narrower than those oi' lianamah
but by degrees ir.proverrents are being r.ade.
Municipal taxes. The house and shop tex
was reduced by l/3 owing to the present poverty
:f oh:- reople. municipal tax was levied on
pair branches and wood which is stacked for sale
dh a oiece of ground near the sea road which was
reclaimed by the Municipality fro.: the sea.
Miscellaneous. Victims of fires in a
roar ;f cases were riven financial assistance
municipal funds.
.. number of roofs in the bazaars were repaired.
Several harasti shops were built or. the municipal
property recently reclaimed frew the rier.
The contract for town cleaning was considerably
reduced with no apparent ill effects, Tko muni-
cipality contributed towards repairing the ceiretery
!10SCU°* This should have been done from the
’’Tilth*1 but none of the trustees of '’Tilth" .were
v;illinr to contribute, Electric light was instal-
led ir. the municipal offices.
A contribution cf l/4th of the cost of the new
nor. ay an taxi star.i was raid to the ranar.ah r.unici-
pality. The two municipalities receive half of
the revenue collected from motor taxes, the remain
ing half is paid to the government.-