Page 472 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 472
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Sunni 7akf. Department.
Ther3 is.little to report of this department.
The deportment hos hod much difficultv in
collecting its rents owin« to the present
conditions and in .many cases the department
has obtained an order from the Court to dis
pose of the belongings of its tenants who fail
to pay their leases.
Repairs to buildings. The school of
Shaikh Thine; al Itehza in the centre of the
bazaar was eventually repaired after strong
representations being made to the department
by the government. The school enjoys a con
siderable income fro.* house property in the
bazaar but for many years it has been derelict
and the rents have been appropriated by certain
members of the family of the original benefactor.
The minaret, stairs and windows of Bin-
Jam&an mosque were repaired.
- Several baresti houses were erected on
wokf property for leasing end a new office was
built in'the bazaar in a building v/hich is
property of the department.
The mosque opposite the Political agency
was repaired and replastered,
hardens. .'.bout six hundred young date
trees were planted in wakf wardens and fourteen
gardens were repaired.
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