Page 477 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 477

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               qr.*ill shops have been wired on the cheaper system
               30 possibly local feeling i? changing.
                    4.      Bakhir system. A complete lighting

               syster. and two Kolar lighting 3ets were installed
               bv zhe department at Kis Excellency Shaikh Hamad’s
               country palace at Sakhir.    This installation was
               paid for by the Bahrain Petroleum Company who
               presented it to His Excellency,

                    5.   Telephone system.     The use of telephones
               in T&nanah has become increasingly popular and ten
               more subscribers have been added during the year,

               four more applications ha7e now been received
              raking a total of 30 which is the full capacity
               of the exchange.    The .uestion of obtaining another
               25 line exchange is under consideration but it is
              unlikely that this will be Purchased until after

               six months and then only if sufficient applications
               are received to justify its installation.
                    The Bahrain Petroleum Company have a telephone
               system at their camp connecting the wells and this

              will shortly have 26 lines,     The company wishes
               to run a line into Menemah to connect up to the
              government exchange; an arrangement is being con­
              sidered which should be advantageous to both parties.

                    It would be very useful if a line could be
              carried over to !.!uharra<£ but the cost of this would
              be expensive owing to a need for a submarine cable
              across the deep water channel,at present, for fin-

              accial reasons,it cannot be installed.
                    6.   Municipal Ice plant.     The municipal ice
              plant, which is inside the power house, was run
               successfully by the staff of the power house during 1352.
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