Page 474 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 474
472 -2-
i3 unfortunate that owin'- to necessity for
economy this voi-molo or.a in; ortent work
cv’-not be completed, Several villa-:es
including the adjacent date groves end the
islands of Sitrah end Jezirah have not yet
been surveyed.
Government forms. The sura of Fs 2,223/-
wes realised from the sale of -ov.rnment forms
which are compulsory in the cese of seneds,
wakolss ana diving banes. Though these
documents do not in themselves constitute any
proof of the •.•atter contained in them, and
they are not registered ir. the government
office, yet they ere roruiar with the general
Ground rents. The government leases plots
of ground which are occupied by barasti houses.
In many cases a merely nominal rent is imposed
on these sites in order to establish the govern
ment's ownership of the land, in other cases
the full value is charged, The total revenue
from this source was hs 1,527/-. An additional
hs 227/- was obtained by sales of small pieces of
ground usually to the owners of adjacent land
i who wished to round off their property.
Fish trans. Over 300 fish traps licenses
were renewed during the year.
The Land Department dealt with the question
o: the Sitrah group of fish traps which were
rendered useless owing to the activities of the
Bahrain Petroleum Company, These fish traps
are the source of the supply of prawns which are