Page 469 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 469

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                                                                       i -#  467

               'liirin-r the year on judicial matter:- but two mcet-
               ;n.-c M,or'. held an? '.ttended by Mjc full I'njlis

               rv and numb', r o-* lading rr,*‘ of the pearl
               in 1'ir*.* ry to discuss v:rio*’S points in the livin'*
               rules which owing ic the changed retire
               consideration.    A feeling exists, especially
               ar.on;* the leading shaikhs of the Ruling: Family,

               that the Bahrain government should take steps
               tc prevent the houses and property cf Bahrain
               subjects being alienated by acquisition through
               foreclosure of mortgages by foreign subjects,

               usually Persians,    During recent years a great
               deal of reuse property in Hanamah and Ihiharrac and
               Hedd has changed hands in this way.
                    6.   The Sisdi c-se^ has net yet been completed.

               iV few roints still remain to be settled end certain
               me: *• 4-  ers concerning the cose which were referred to
               the Ibjlis T'rjara have r.ot vet beer, dealt v/ith.
                    7.   Hiring the year the Bahrain Court has

               been moved from the small room in the government
               office and is established in s large well ventilated
               court room in the building behind the government
               office which was acquired last year,     The- new

               court is more convenient and mere suitable .and
               in cold weather the public can be accomodated
               inside the court room at one end of the building.
                    3.   Shaikh Sulman bin Hamad dii not attend

               the court for several months towards the end of
               the year and no temporary magistrate was appointed
               to act for him.
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