Page 470 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 470


                                 Shia V/ekf department.

                                ?hn usual work of this department has beer
                           vrried out lurin' the year without any opposition
                           :’roT the public.   It can bo assumed that, the
                           Shin 7akf department is a recovr.ised institution.

                           ‘Then it-*was first formed there was much opposition
                           r.o it from the Shin population but its value is
                           now recognised and the v/ork which it carries cut
                           is self evident.
                                The financial position of the department is

                           as follows
                                Balance from 1351    Rs 10,400'-
                                Income from r.aterns   12,800,-
                                    ”       nosuues     5,200/-
                                    ’’      hheirct     2.2CC/-
                                    •'      Sales       1 300/-
                                 Expenditure on.-
                                 ; Interns              9,700/-
                                 Hosuues                1.300/-
                                 lood works             1,900/-
                                 Repairs to wskfs,
                                   mosques l. Ardens 2,4CC/-
                                 ?srchase of date*, trees 1,200/-
                                     :t      land       1,200/-
                                 Orilling a well ..       500/-
                                 Denartmentsl expenses 2,000/-
                                 3alance outstanding, old
                                 debts due to the dent.           15,500/-
                                 Leases for 1353-*                29,800/.-
                                 Property not leased               mt
                                 Remission- of leases
                                 Peng'.&, improvements.     125 si'll. gardens were
                            repaired.   Tr.’s v;or.\ usually consists of weeding and

                            dig/inf: „»*.• 'he ground end changin'? uh? position of
                            tk? * "cter channels which should be done every
                            ^hree or four years to m vent the land adjacent to
                            the channels becoming stagnant. Hew d*4*. trees are
                            planted at the same time.

                                 3340 young date trees v:?™ planted out, some
                           were purchased and some were obtained from the gardens

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