Page 468 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 468
hirin’. the year, V h7 cas^s, r.ev: ur.'j old
C!;S?r. , have h--v**. h alt wi-i b; :!.«; various Bahrain
Courts which is ar - r- irately uCG
r/is°s when ".or.-- red *c mhe rrevions year, Ir. suite
of this increase* the court- fees r.ave amounted to
a few rupees less than the revenue during 1351.
J.'cny of these cases wer' filed durir.y the previous
year, and most of the claims were for scalier amounts
then the cases during 1351 or -ensisted of disputes
regsrdinr lend or "titer .irr.ts which free the stand
point of revenue are unsatisfactory natters.
2. One :f tr.e most interte r.t cases which
can:-; into the court was the settlement cf the estate
of the la"e Shoihh rchr.:.r. hit r.b rj Ivvar.ab who
left -rc'-erty valued at she r.t two lacs, •her. the
estate war divided a number of lis-utes -were settled
by the court and a will which -was produced by e
ere riser, was judged to be invalid end forced.
Shoihh Ablurrehnsn was considers; ~c be one of the
-ost wealthy me-her? of the Rulin.c Eer.ily. His
heirs consist of ei:;ht sons and ' number of daughters,
3. .-.bout ??0 cases ore rer.f in- settlement in
in the Bahrain court, and almost 120 cases are pending
in th- Sunni Share Court. This court is notorious
for causing deley over the cases which it deals with,
e fact which is much resented by the parties who
arpear before pke .siis.
4. Only sever, cases of appeal were filed and
in the majority of these the finding of the Bahrain
Court was upheld by His Excellency Sheikh Hamad.
5. No new regulations were issued during