Page 463 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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children were treated ond 16 confinements were
dealt with. The nurse works in conjunction
•vitii the Agency Surgeon Dr. Holmes.
There is great need for more work of this kind
among the wcnen in Bahrain and a government insti
tution can do more good than the ijr.erioan Mission
hospital to which many of the r-rabs are deterred
from going owing to its being a religious insti
9. Inspector of gold. Owing to various frauds
having been discovered in the sale of gold orna
ments the municipality appointed an Inspector to
certify that ornaments contained the proportion
of gold which they were alleged to contain. a
certificate is supplied by the inspector giving
particulars of weignt etc.
10. :Tew vegetable market. His Excellency
shaikh Hamad built a new fruit and vegetable market
on part of his property south of the fish market.
Formerly the vegetable market was in the centre
of the bazaar in a very congested area which had
become an unsuitable location for the sale of
fruit and vegetables. The new building which is
250 ft. long and 80 ft. wide, is a covered market
roofed with matting which is supported with pillars.
It is near the sea and can be kept in a cleaner
condition than the old market. As is the case
with fish and meat.the sale of fruit and vegetables
is forbidden except in the market which exists
solely for this purnose.
11. Municipal legislations. Unfortunately
the coulcil reconsidered the order which was passed
during the previous year regarding liability of