Page 465 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 465
I.fuhnrroq Municipolity.
Revenue Rs 35,000/-
Fxrenditero - Rs 37,700/-.
Tho work of ••he Jhhamq funicipality has
been much curtailed owing to decrease in their
revenue and has been confined mainly to small
improvements in the roads, and to town cleaning,
Ifaharrac sea road. The most important
work carried out by the Baladiya was the cons
truction of a sea road from the pier up to
within about 60 feet of the deep water channel.
7t is now possible for boats to reach the end
of this road at all stages of the tide and pas
sengers no longer have to suffer the great
inconvenience of '.'alkin- some tiiree hundred
and fifty yards along a narrow slippery cause-
way of loose stones. The road on pier is
1023 feet in length, 22feet wide end hss a
stone rlatform at the end about 50 feet square
where motor cars can turn, It is built of stone
with walls of curabba and a filling of fishti
stone surfaced with beaten nud. Four flights
cf steps exist, one at the end of the pier,
two on the north wall and one on the south wall.
The height of the uier, from the sea bed, varies
from 10 feet to 15 feet.
The cost of this building was n 10,000/-
ond this sum was subscribed by certain persons
of the Siadi family in l!uharraq who are trustees
of "Tilth" money and property left by deceased
persons and dedicated to good works etc. It is
regarded as an achievement that the Bahrain