Page 473 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 473
4.* .
Lind Settlement Department.
Bales registered 220
Si ft. 3 12
De~istrctior. of titles 105
Transfers- 3
To tel revenue from above Rs 4,010/-.
The revenue from this department has decreased
considerably, in 1351 over Rs 5,000/- was collected
in registration fees and the amount budgeted for
in 13."2 has not been realised.
The reason for this is the decline in land
values and value of house property also a falling
off in the number of registrations of titles.
Out of 220 sales 227 v/ere for properties whose
vclue was less than r.s 500/- on which a minimum
fee of :.s 5/- only was paid, It is possible how-
ever that the arises in these sales v/ere deli
berately understated in order to avoid payment of
r.i-her registration fees by the applicants for
In -addition the- department has issued 20
title deeds to the 7,’akf Department on which no
fees are collected, 51 properties were sold
through the Land Department by order of courts,
and 11 plans and reports were submitted to the
courts regarding property involved in legal disputes.
Only two surveyors have beer, employed during
the year so it has been impossible to continue the
survey work of the districts of Bahrain which have
not yet been surveyed. The previous survey work
and the detailed naps and registers of water rights
etc. is of great permanent value and these records
ere constantly referred to by the court. It is