Page 476 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 476
Bahrein Electric Supply.
The information in this report is supplied by lx.
'V, B. Steele, the State Engineer.
. • Load. The department has been adversely
affected during the veer by the state of trade; the
returns for 1352 however show an increase of load
over 1351.
2. The following extra lead has been con
nected during the year.
415 points making a total of 17 Kilowatts,
of which 312 are light points and 103 fan and
power points. Five refrigerators and three
domestic water pumps have also been connected
during the year, making a total of 18 Kilowatts.
During the year 98 houses were wired, 83 in
Kenem-h and 15 in Kuharraa.
Revenue from connected load in 1352 was
Rs 30,386/8 as compared with Rs 27,462/14 in 1351.
3. firing contracts. Wiring for light
and power has been carried out by the department,
usually by contract, as during the previous year,
the price per point being generally the same.
S ■n ct possible to reduce the price of wiring
! without incurring loss, it is being kept at the
present low level in order to encourage the use of
electricity. In almost every case lead covered
li Keleeco wire and fittings are used as there is
I a local prejudice against using vulcanised India-
rubber cable on porcelain cleats though the price
of this system is about half the price of the
Kaleeco system. The cheaper method is used exten
sively in all other countries and although not so
permanent it is quite safe. This year a few small