Page 479 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 479
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and spares. The 'ollar exchange is favourable
and the machines, which are very /rood in operation
are considerably cheaper than those of European
manufacture. well known English make was tried,
'Electrolux, but the price was very high and the
fir».i does not manufacture models larger than two
cubic feet which is too small to be popular in
In selling the machines the price is kept
os low as is possible as the mein object of the
department is to increase consumption of power.
At present 19 refrigerators have been installed and
orders have been "laced for four more.
10. Prospects for 1353. It cun be reason
ably assumed that wiring will proceed during the
next year at the present rate.
The tireless station of the International
Communications, Ltd., is installing a 7i Kilowatt
motor .-enerator and by 1st June 1934, it will be
ready to change over to the Bahrain system. The
station is taking orer the work of the temporary
station erected by the Royal Air Force for their
use and the use of Imperial Airways, Some
additional revenue will accrue from this source.
The load curve of the department has risen
steadily each month since the date of starting
in Hay 1S30, though the rise has been small it
has been in the right direction.
’The sale of electrical appliances has been
\ feir but the department has suffered from the com-
petition by Japan whose electrical articles are
sold at a very low price and though of inferior
quality the public purchase them ss they cannot
afford to buy better appliances.